Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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Samuel Nana Yaw Simpson
Professor Samuel Nana Yaw Simpson is a people-oriented individual who is passionate about training and capacity building, including providing career guidance and godly mentoring. He is an Associate Professor of Accounting, Governance and Sustainability, and the immediate past Head of Department of Accounting at the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), Legon. He holds a PhD in Accounting and Finance from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, a Certified Balanced Scorecard Professional, Certified GHAMFIN Trainer, Africa Development Educator (ADE), Member of Institute of Directors (Ghana), and a Certified Public Financial Management (PFM) Professional. His teaching, research and consulting interests include Public Financial Management, Accounting Education, Corporate Governance, and Sustainability (CSR/ESG) Reporting and Assurance.
Prof Simpson is a thought-leader with over thirty (30) publications to his credit in diverse reputable journals and has successfully supervised eight (8) completed PhDs and over twenty-five (25) MPhil degrees. He has provided consultancy services and facilitated trainings for several organisations including but not limited to the World Bank, the German Development Organisation (GTZ-GIZ), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Committee (IMCC) on Local Government Administration, the Ghana Oil and Gas for Inclusive Growth (GOGIG), the Credit Union Association (CUA) and Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN).
He has served and continues to serve on many Committees and Boards of various organisations within and outside Ghana including, the University of Ghana, the University of Ghana Cooperative Credit Union (the largest Credit Union in Ghana), Built Accounting Company (a financial technology company in Ghana), RigworldSolutions Ghana Limited, Atlas Commodities Limited, the International Leadership Foundation, the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, and the European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance.