The University of Ghana Business School Executive Development Unit (UGBS-ED) is the arm of the UGBS that coordinates and administer all executive training programmes, executive development, capacity building, organizational development and consultancy services aimed at equipping business executives with contemporary skills, knowledge and abilities to confront the challenges of the 21st century business environment as well as improving the effectiveness of organizations where these executives are working. Originally established in 2002 as the Centre for Management Research and Professional Development (CMRPD), the unit was renamed UGBS-ED in 2014 with a broader mandate of undertaking consultancy and business audits, executive development, and management research.            
Our executive development courses are designed to provide business executives with new and innovative approaches to business management. Emphasis of all training programmes is on practical skills, most notably through the use of cases, group works and presentation. Depending on what is to be offered and the training needs of a given organization, we pull together faculty with relevant skills and external partners to deliver on our programmes.  Through the identification of the training needs of organizations, the unit pulls together faculty and associates both within and outside the Business School with relevant competencies to accomplish various training and services. The Unit provides three (3) broad types of training programmes, namely Scheduled, Special and Customized programmes. The scheduled programmes are regular short courses (2-4 days) that are advertised to the general public, and run from March to December every year. The special programmes are run on non-scheduled basis within the year for the general public, and the customized/in-house programmes are bespoke training programmes conducted at the request of a client and customized to meet the training needs, budget and delivery preferences of the client. 


These are short courses scheduled by the UGBS-ED to run throughout the year and advertised to the public. Our executive development courses aim to give executives from industry fresh perspectives on how to effectively manage their institutions. Participants who usually participate on these courses come from various functional units in both the private and public sectors of the economy. The courses are delivered at UGBS-ED Graduate Campus. We run over 26 scheduled courses in a year and these include the following:

  • Certificate in Transport and Logistics Management
  • Financial Modeling and Analysis using Microsoft Excel
  • Customer Relationship and Service Excellence
  • Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting for Small Businesses
  • Effective Negotiation Skills
  • Supply Chain Planning, Control and Management
  • Leading and Managing People
  • Certificate in Work Ethics and Performance Management
  • Hotel and Hospitality Management
  • Procurement Contract Management for Professionals
  • Certificate in Small and Medium Business Marketing
  • Effective Communication Skills and Report Writing
  • Office Management and Supervisory Skills
  • Warehouse and Inventory Control Management
  • Certificate in Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Effective Office Management and Records Keeping
  • Certificate in Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental
  • Team Building, Conflict Management and Peace Building
  • Business and Marketing Analytics
  • Monitoring and Impact Evaluation
  • Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting for Small Businesses
  • Customer Relationship and Service Excellence
  • Project Risk Management
  • Certificate in Transport and Logistics Management
  • Project Planning and Management
  • Preparing, Writing and Interpreting Financial Statements
  • Budgeting and Financial Planning Management
  • Effective Negotiation Skills
  • Leading and Managing People

UGBS-ED special programmes are designed to meet specific needs of industry and offered to the general public. The special programmes include the following:

  • Leading with a Global Mindset
  • Public Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis
  • Financial Services Fraud and Fraud Risk Management
  • Certificate in Occupational Fraud
  • Certificate in Microsoft Copilot Interactive Experience For Executives
  • Certificate in Procurement Contract Fraud Prevention and Forensics
  • 10-Saturday Course in Industrial Security Management, Forensics and Investigations
  • 10-Saturday Advanced Certificate Course in Industrial Security Management, Forensics and Investigations
  • Next-Gen Product Design Masterclass
  • Mastering Strategic Planning and Performance Monitoring
  • Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management and Development
  • Certificate in Asset Management and Development of Fixed Assets Register
  • Investigative Accounting and Forensics Auditing
  • Project Finance, Investing Appraisal and Risk Analysis
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Comparative Health Insurance, Strategic Purchasing
  • Fraud and Corruption Prevention in Public Sector Spending
  • Emotional Literacy and Development at the Workplace
  • Certificate Course in Empowering Growth: Employee Appraisal and Development at the Workplace
  • Mastering Emotional Intelligence For Workplace Success
  • AI and Social Media for Executives

These are special trainings done on the request of a client and customized to meet the training needs, budget and delivery preference of the client. The clients for these trainings are from both the public and private sectors and occasionally from the West African Sub- region.

Our programmes are targeted towards the following groups:

  • CEOs
  • Executive Directors
  • Non-Executive Directors
  • Senior Executives
  • Directors
  • HR Managers
  • Line Managers
  • Middle - Level Managers
  • Lower - Level Managers
  • Administrative Professionals

Some UGBS-ED Clients

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