EMBA - Human Resource Management

EMBA - Human Resource Management

This option demonstrates that the management of people and their work is critical to the survival of businesses. Without the acquisition of requisite knowledge and techniques in managing organisations, the strategic intent of businesses may not be achieved Students would acquire knowledge on people management as well as skills to make meaningful contributions to policy formulation and implementation

Course Content

MBAE 605 Organisational Behaviour and Management
MBAE 607 Information Management
MBAE 603 Managerial Accounting
MBAE 601 Business Economics

MBAE 618 Research Methods
MBAE 616 Quantitative Methods
MBAE 614 Marketing Management
MBAE 612 Human Resource Management
EHRM 606 Corporate Social Responsibility and Occupational Health and Safety

EHRM 605 Human Relations in Organisations
EHRM 603 Strategic Human Resource Management
EHRM 601 Comparative Management
MBAE 609 Ethics in Management
EHRM 610 Seminar One

EHRM 602 Change Management and Organisational Development
EHRM 608 Labour Law and Industrial Relations
EHRM 604 International Human Resource Management
MBAE 604 Strategic Management
EHRM 620 Seminar Two
EHRM 600 Long Essay

2 years
GHS 12,039.50 per semester
Evenings Only
Application Deadline
31 Ιουλ 2024