Senior Lecturer
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Lordina Amoah
Lordina Amoah is a Senior Lecturer at the Finance Department of University of Ghana Business School (UGBS). She attained her PhD in Development Finance from University of Stellenbosch, South Africa after MPhil in Finance from UGBS. Dr Amoah is a researcher with the African Economic Research Consortium and her research interest span sustainable/green finance, small business, corporate finance and governance and financial market development. Lordina has papers in international journals, including, Journal of Risk Finance, Journal of Developing Areas, International Journal of Emerging Market, International Journal of Law and Management. She bagged a training of trainer’s certificate in the Public Investment Appraisal and Risk Management at Queens University, Canada, in 2019 and has since trained personnel across various ministries in Ghana. She has a certificate on Financing Green Economies from the third Global Academy on Green Economy held at ITCLO in Turin, Italy. Her recent book chapter is “Finance, Economic Growth and Development” in Contemporary Issues in Development Finance. Lordina teaches Financial Management; Finance and Financial Analysis; Advance Corporate Finance; Finance and Small Enterprise Development; and Investment Appraisal. Lordina is a development finance consultant and has consulted for the International Finance Corporation and Ghana Oil and Gas for Inclusive Growth.